Move Tutors Pokemon Reborn (2024)

Are you ready to take your Pokémon to the next level? Look no further than move tutors in Pokémon Reborn! These skilled trainers have the knowledge to teach your Pokémon powerful moves they wouldn't normally learn through leveling up. In this guide, we'll delve into the world of move tutors, uncovering everything you need to know to make the most of their services.

Understanding Move Tutors

Move tutors are special NPCs scattered throughout the Pokémon Reborn world who offer to teach your Pokémon moves in exchange for a fee. These moves can range from rare and powerful attacks to utility moves that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. Move tutors often specialize in specific types of moves, so it's essential to seek out the right tutor for the move you desire.

Finding Move Tutors

Finding move tutors in Pokémon Reborn can be a challenge, as they are often hidden away in remote locations or require specific conditions to unlock their services. Some move tutors may only appear during certain times of the day or under specific weather conditions, adding an extra layer of complexity to your search. However, the rewards for finding these elusive tutors can be well worth the effort, as they can provide your Pokémon with the edge they need to succeed in battle.

Types of Moves

Move tutors in Pokémon Reborn offer a wide variety of moves, ranging from offensive attacks to defensive maneuvers. Some tutors specialize in teaching powerful STAB (Same Type Attack Bonus) moves that receive a boost in power when used by a Pokémon of the same type. Others may offer moves that can inflict status conditions on your opponent or provide support to your own team. Whatever your strategy may be, there's sure to be a move tutor who can help you achieve it.

Choosing the Right Moves

With so many moves to choose from, it's essential to carefully consider which ones will best complement your Pokémon's abilities and your overall battle strategy. Do you want to focus on dealing massive damage to your opponents, or would you prefer to prioritize status moves that can disrupt their plans? Take the time to experiment with different move combinations to find the perfect fit for your team.

Making the Most of Move Tutors

Once you've found a move tutor whose services you wish to utilize, be sure to make the most of your time with them. Take note of any prerequisites or conditions required to access their services, and be prepared to pay the necessary fee. Additionally, consider teaching moves to Pokémon that have the potential to benefit the most from them, whether it's filling a gap in their movepool or capitalizing on their natural strengths.


Move tutors are valuable resources in Pokémon Reborn, offering the opportunity to teach your Pokémon powerful moves that can turn the tide of battle in your favor. By understanding how move tutors work and choosing the right moves for your team, you can unlock the full potential of your Pokémon and become a formidable trainer in the world of Pokémon Reborn.


1. How many move tutors are there in Pokémon Reborn?

  • Pokémon Reborn features a diverse array of move tutors, each offering unique moves to teach your Pokémon. While the exact number may vary, there are numerous move tutors waiting to help you enhance your team's abilities.

2. Can move tutors teach my Pokémon moves they wouldn't normally learn through leveling up?

  • Yes! Move tutors specialize in teaching moves that your Pokémon wouldn't typically learn through leveling up. This allows you to customize your team with powerful and strategic moves to give you an edge in battle.

3. Are there any hidden move tutors in Pokémon Reborn?

  • Yes, some move tutors in Pokémon Reborn may be hidden or require specific conditions to access their services. Keep an eye out for clues and explore every corner of the world to uncover these hidden treasures.

4. How do I know which move tutor offers the move I'm looking for?

  • Move tutors in Pokémon Reborn often specialize in specific types of moves, so it's essential to seek out the right tutor for the move you desire. You can usually find information about a move tutor's specialties by talking to NPCs or exploring online resources.

5. Are there any limitations to which Pokémon can learn moves from move tutors?

  • While most Pokémon can learn moves from move tutors, there may be some limitations based on the species or evolutionary stage of your Pokémon. Additionally, some moves may only be compatible with certain Pokémon, so be sure to double-check before investing in a move tutor's services.
Move Tutors Pokemon Reborn (2024)
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