Our Side of Eternity - Chapter 10 - Raven_Pearls (2024)

Chapter Text

Harmonia reached into a stream of falling confetti, her eyes a wide violet wonder. She cooed and clapped, half-catching confetti between chubby, wiggling fingers before they burst back out and made her giggle with delight all over again.

“Can you say, Aunt Cass?” Megara whispered to her.

“Ka! Ka!” Harmonia exclaimed, flapping her arms like a baby raven.

“Close enough,” Megara snickered.

Megarion and Cassandra paraded past in a hail of confetti, and Megara lifted Harmonia’s arm to make sure it looked like she was waving.

Queen Cassandra and King Megarion eagerly waved back at their niece. It was such a relief to see them married off that Megara felt a cold tear roll down her cheek.

She’d thought her brother was dead for years, and now he was not only a king, but his line was assured to be blessed by the gods with a queen whose powers would help forestall doom. Not that doom was in large supply now that the Divine Hercules defended his city with a passion.

Hercules wrapped his arms around his family and rested his cheek on Megara’s hair. She could feel the dampness in her hair, so she didn’t question it when she heard his voice crack. “I can’t believe Cassandra looks so happy,” he whispered.

Overhead, Icarus and Kiki landed on opposite perches over the small courtyard between Cassandra’s Oracle Temple and the palace. Their baskets of confetti were emptied, but it seemed that Icarus, of all people, was also happy on this day.

“I like this makeover,” Megara murmured to Hercules. “He doesn’t look like he’s about to murder anyone.”

“He wouldn’t,” Hercules said, but even in his saying so, he didn’t seem sure. He absently rubbed Megara’s belly and Harmonia’s back. “Have I mentioned I love you all today?”

“Shh, everyone here knows us. Don’t make it obvious how many of us there are. I’m not ready for the attention.”

Neither was her brother. Cassandra and Megarion had learned one major lesson from the coronation: they hated all the attention.

While the celebrants in the courtyard were numerous, most of them were either relatives or old schoolmates of the royal couple. The celebration was not limited to the acropolis of Thebes, but rather than appearing in person, the duo had opted to sell commemorative royal wedding merchandise.

Megara had noticed sets of matching plates with pithy taglines such as “Your purchase was foretold” and “We foresee your satisfaction is guaranteed.” At least someone in Thebes was making a drachma or two off of something other than her husband.

It was a holiday in the city, so most major industries had closed to enjoy local feasts sponsored by the crown. People would have fond memories of this day and goodwill toward their king, but he wouldn’t have to present himself in their midst. It was such a smart move that Megara was tempted to take credit for it.

She didn’t need the attention, either.

The completed wedding procession led into the palace, and Hercules held Megara and Harmonia back while the crowd streamed in. “See, that’s Tempest,” he told Megara, pointing to an Amazon with an impressive ponytail that resembled Pegasus’s crested mane. She wore blue and red armor over what looked like a frilly gown and long earrings wound with gold.

It was a sight more fashionable than the rumors about Amazonian culture would have led Megara to expect, but seeing the woman wave affectionately toward the royal couple gave her a hint that this was not a typical Amazon.

“I’ll introduce you later,” Hercules promised.

A small clutch of pale individuals with dark hair and clothes to match stood in the only shadows anyone could find in the courtyard, stoically staring after the party until the raucous cheers had dampened behind marble walls.

“Ohmygosh!” Hercules ducked behind Megara. “That’s Electra. Don’t let her see me!”

“Uh, Herc. I know there’ve been some changes recently, but I still can’t hide you, ya big ox. What’s the matter with you?”

“That girl got so angry with me that she summoned an army of furies that almost ripped Athens apart!”

“Oh, yeah? Were you too nervous to hold her hand?”

“No… that’s… I’ll tell you later.”

“Maybe I should chat with her and try to alleviate any bad blood. I’ll take Moni. Nobody can be angry at Moni.”

“She’s mean, Meg. And she thinks heroes are lame!”

“Aww, did the mean goth chick say something edgy?”

“Meg… I just…”

“That’s what they do, Herc. They’re frustrated because being too creative and intelligent ostracizes them from people, and with hormones that make them feel too much at once, they have to cope somehow. Now, it looks like she never moved out of that phase, but I used to drink my share of pomegranate juice, too. I’m an artist, after all, it’s practically inevitable.”

“Oh, then… you wouldn’t have liked me back then, either.”

“I wouldn’t say that. Just because I didn’t believe anything existed outside the darkness didn’t mean I couldn’t appreciate it when I saw it. But… I think I recognize this chick.”

“You do?”

“Yeah, her brother Orestes was on my humiliation tour of Greece when my father wanted to get me married off.”

“She has a brother? What happened to him?”

“Oh, I got along too well with his sister, so his mother didn’t like it, and… to be honest, that family had enough issues without me joining in. Orestes ran off, and good for him. I think being alone with all that drama turned Electra into… this.”

“Oh. That makes way more sense. But you got along with her?”

“Thebes is a popular topic in gothic circles. She had lots of questions for me, and I was dramatic enough to indulge her curiosity.”

“So, do you think she could stop her from going crazy when she sees me?”

“I make no promises, but I’ll give it a shot. For now, let’s not try to make contact unless she requests it.”

“Gotcha. Can we sneak past them?”

“You? Sneak? Good luck, Wonder Boy. But you could always teleport us if it matters to you.”

“Moni got sick last time.”

“I wasn’t ready that time. I didn’t cover her eyes.”

“I’d rather not take the chance.”

“Cool, so we’ll walk past your ex and act like everything is fine, and then it will be.”

“Oh, no, you’re not walking.” Hercules lifted her into his arms.

Harmonia squealed with delight as she rose into the air and clapped, shouting incoherent syllables of joy.

All this incandescent happiness caught the attention of the darkness dwellers.

“Hey,” Megara said while Hercules shrunk in around his wife and daughter. “Babies don’t yet know how dark the world can be,” she said in a monotone.

“Yeah,” Electra said, though her eyes were focused on Hercules. “Especially when they’re made with incorrigible rays of sunshine.”

“That’s the truth,” Megara said. “I’ve been well, and I hope you have, too. You should join us at the party, by the way. I ordered loads of pomegranate juice and spinach pies, so you’ll dine like kings. Or you, know, stay out here and be angry or whatever.”

“Thanks, we’ll do what we want,” Electra said.

“How’s Orestes?”

Electra was taken aback by the question, and she looked away. “He’s still looking for our little sister, but… I think he’s having a good time island hopping along the way.”

“Maybe sometime you should join him. You could find Iphigenia together.”

“I could look for her,” Hercules offered.

“No, you won’t!” Electra shouted.

“Sometimes the things we’re most afraid of are what we need the most,” Megara said. “Have a good night, Electra.”

As soon as she sensed the end of the conversation, Hercules rushed his family into the palace. He held his breath until they were safely stretched out on the dining couch directly beside Megarion and Cassandra’s. “Are you both okay?” Hercules asked then.

“You’re the only one going through it,” Megara remarked. “How’re you feeling, Moni?”

Harmonia giggled, then drew her face into the most serious expression she’d ever made in her life. She looked for all the world as if she were ready to join the pomegranate club in the back. She babbled in low, irritable tones that startled both her parents.

“What–?” Hercules sputtered, then started to howl with laughter.

Her little act got the attention of Cassandra and Megarion, who both began to laugh at the same time as Megara lost control of her own laughter.

Only when her audience was fully enthralled did Harmonia break the act with a brilliant toothless smile and chirp as she reveled in her success.

“It looks like we have another brilliant little actress in the family,” Megarion said. “Good to know she’s going to win over any situation she gets into. I’m the proudest uncle who ever uncle'd.”

“Would you like to hold the little charmer?” Megara offered.

“Oh, no. She screams when she’s too far from her mother,” Megarion said. I’ll admire her from afar.”

“I look forward to many performances in the future,” Cassandra said. “Maybe she can give the rest of our family acting lessons, so Megarion knows how to smile sometimes.”

“Hey!” Megarion objected, but Cassandra only hid her face in her hand to laugh.

“I’m happy for you two,” Hercules said. He looked up, and Megara followed his gaze to the form of Icarus perched in a high window.

Icarus glided down from the roof and landed gracefully before the royal couple. “My dear Cassie– I mean, Cassandy-wandy– I mean… Cassandra.” Icarus took a deep breath and bowed. “I’ve given you a rough time as a friend in the past and can never fully make up for everything that happened, but know this: I’ve always wanted your happiness, and though you’ve found it without me, I can’t help but be happy along with you today.” He unwrapped the bundle to reveal an elaborately patterned bolt of cloth wrapped around a golden rod topped with a pair of wings. “I made this on a machine my Dadalus and I invented. It’s the first of its kind anywhere in Greece. An automated weaving machine blessed by Athena. I hope that someday, we can rekindle our friendship.”

“This is so generous, Icarus,” Cassandra said. “I’m glad that you’d share something this important with me. Thank you for being so considerate.”

Icarus got slowly to his feet and smiled. “Good… This is way more dignified than Plan Beta would’ve been.”

“Yeah, so how about we leave it on a win, eh Ick?” Hercules asked. “You did an awesome job.”

“That’s right, I did!” Icarus left the bolt of fabric neatly rolled back up at the side of Cassandra’s couch and rushed back through the party with his wax wings extended. “I did great!” he cheered and knocked into one pillar but righted himself and kept going until he’d run all the way out of the party.

“Why would he leave now?” Megara asked.

“Give him a minute,” Hercules replied.

Seconds later, Icarus dove back down through the windows, flew between the hanging lamps, and extinguished a couple in the process. He rained down rose petals on the celebrants, continuing to cheer himself on.

Harmonia caught rose petals between her hands and instantly stuck one in her mouth.

Megara plucked it free. “Maybe it’s time you tried something biteable that isn’t me, huh?” she asked. “Herc, can you–”

“On it.” Hercules departed and brought them back a small platter topped with bits of different cheeses. “Which one would you like, Moni?”

In answer, Harmonia reached for a handful of cheeses but only managed to snag one between her pudgy fingers. She brought this captured morsel to her rosebud lips and growled ferociously like a cat who’d snared a mouse. She peeled a sliver of cheese off with her one front tooth, paused, and then howled with confusion at the taste of it.

“I know, it’s a new taste, but it’s got to be similar to how mama tastes,” Megara said.

Harmonia narrowed her eyes at the bit of cheese, then stuffed the whole thing into her mouth along with several fingers.

“Oh, thank goodness, she likes cheese,” Megara sighed. “She can stop trying to bite through my skin every day.”

“Does that mean your milk will go away?” Hercules asked.

“No, it won’t have a chance. The next one will need it.”

“Next one?” Megarion asked.

“I foresaw this,” Cassandra said. “But I didn't want to tell anyone before they were ready to mention it. Congratulations, you two. And thanks for not upstaging us.”

“Thanks for protecting our privacy,” Megara said. “Hopefully, in a year’s time, we can have a play date between royal cousins.”

“We will,” Cassandra said with a knowing smile. “It will be awesome.”

Our Side of Eternity - Chapter 10 - Raven_Pearls (2024)
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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.